Switch from SVN to xxx ?

Óscar Fuentes ofv at wanadoo.es
Fri Jun 4 05:31:32 BST 2010

Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at benfinney.id.au> writes:

> Óscar Fuentes <ofv at wanadoo.es> writes:
>> Ben Finney <bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au> writes:
>> > I've already acknowledged that the smart server protocol is more
>> > efficient than the dumb storage protocols. My point is that having
>> > *no* ability to use a particular storage is the worst of the lot.
>> Possibly for some cases. I prefer a fast system without dumb protocols
>> than a slow system with dumb protocols. Bazaar fits on the last class.
> That's not true.
> To be clear: Bazaar is a fast system with a smart protocol,

Have you read the data on the last part of my message?

In just thrice the time bzr required for pulling 600 revisions with the
smart protocol other VC systems can clone the whole 100,000+ revisions
of the Emacs repository, all branches included. Those VC systems can
pull the same 600 revisions on a matter of seconds, vs minutes for bzr.

How can bzr be deemed fast on the face of those hard facts?

> that *also* has dumb protocols available. I don't know how many
> different ways to say it, so I hope that's enough.

Enough for what? For convincing the bzr community that there is nothing
to fix? Self-complacency and denial would be very damaging for bzr
giving the competitors it has.

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