Switch from SVN to xxx ?

Teemu Likonen tlikonen at iki.fi
Thu Jun 3 19:16:37 BST 2010

* 2010-06-03 19:10 (+0200), Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

> In my experience the guessing bit is indeed a problem. It works well
> 99.9% but when we renamed a top-level directory in the Samba git
> repository from "source" to "source3" git log gave up on rename
> inference (presumably because dealing with 3000 paths that had changed
> was too expensive performance-wise). The only acceptable solution we
> could find was to rewrite all of our history with the new name and
> "git log" was happy again.

A little over a year ago you wrote the same thing on Bazaar list. Back
then I pointed out that you were wrong about the performance part and
Git "giving up". Now, for the second time, I try to correct you and post
again the link to the mail in which Junio Hamano, the maintainer of Git,
explained the case:


In short, "git log --follow" does not even have that feature, so it's
wrong to say that Git "gave up". Git didn't even try. The said command
is indeed limited as it was made to work only with single paths. Until
someone cares enough to improve "git log --follow" there is always

    git log -C -p -- old/dir new/sub/dir

which (a) works and (b) is very fast, even with a sub tree rename of
10,000 paths (I just tried). No problems at all with "guessing".

But as the linked discussion shows (some of the) Samba people didn't
feel the above Git command as acceptable solution so the repository's
history was modified.

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