loom requests

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Jun 3 14:47:04 BST 2010

>>>>> Barry Warsaw <barry at canonical.com> writes:

    > On Jun 03, 2010, at 08:24 AM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >> - bzr export-threads was accepting a single optional thread name to be
    >> exported (instead of all the threads),

    > One of the bugs I pointed to requested a slightly different take on this; the
    > ability to *not* export a particular thread.  The only use-case I had for that
    > was to not export the lowest thread, which for me is always the trunk of
    > whatever code base I'm working on.

Yeah, I realized that, which is why I mention my use case which is to
submit a particular thread only while other are still being worked on.

Now, there may be other ways to achieve the same result with
record+push, but I usually play it safe (if only because the plan is
generally to have the given submitted thread merged to trunk, the trunk
itself merged in the lower thread and the thread deleted).


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