[RFC] handling files with weird names in .bzrignore

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Sun May 30 14:15:47 BST 2010

>>>>> Stefan Monnier <monnier at iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

+1 on all points except the one below.


    >>> (2) The issue here is that there is no good way to represent
    >>> files that have weired names. Going by GNU grep, we could allow
    >>> a -F/--fixed-strings style patterns that would be prefixed with
    >>> say "FS:" in .bzrignore so for this particular bug we would have
    >>> "FS:[". "bzr ignore" would then support a -F/-fixed-string flag.

    > Feeping creaturism.  Why not just add a --noglob argument to "bzr
    > ignore" which will then turn the pattern into an "RE:" pattern with the
    > needed escaping?

Because that means typing '--noglob' instead of 'RE:' ? 


    >> (4) When turning patterns into regexes, anything that is illegal just
    >> gets thrown out with a warning saying that it isn't a legal pattern.

    > Yes: that's really the only solution that's possible, reliable, and safe.

But I think you imply there that you don't consider the --noglob option
really needed ?

I.e. if an argument is neither a valid glob nor a valid regexp, warn.


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