Sprint summary/impressions?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon May 24 16:17:33 BST 2010

>>>>> Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:


    > I'm still planning to write a post about Bazaar sprint for my
    > russian bzr-day blog, so I'd better to put my english impressions
    > here (if you don't mind).

Be our guest...


    > I feel I did much less hacking than I'd like or I've planned, but
    > instead almost all the time tried[*] to talk with different
    > people.

I think you defintely get the spirit at your first try :) So, rejoice !

After some bzr sprints all ending with the same feeling, I went to this
one fully aware that I will spend a lot a time talking to people and
improving my English rather than coding some cool stuff. Of course,
Murphy wasn't far and while I spent a lot time talking to really cool
people, I also managed to get some cool stuff done :)


    > * "Tried" -- because my English speaking skill level is less than
    > good. :-( I need more training and practice.

I think you did really well in that regard and this summary demonstrate
it again.

Bottles processing, now, that's a different story... :-P


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