[Bug 583630] [NEW] Support the news mangling we do when merging up across series in newsmerge

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon May 24 02:47:34 BST 2010

>>>>> Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> writes:

    > So, I'm not sure it is different - Vincent, me and Andrew all thought
    > we were duplicating, and all my merges up the series are duplicated
    > like that. :)

No ! I think we have a *reference* that you need to follow to get the
changes for the 2.0.x release in the 2.1.x *summary*.

As such a NEWS entry exists only once.

This causes friction when we backport and don't land in the oldest
branch first.

So I'd be happy for the entries to be duplicated when they land first in
dev, then in 2.2 then in 2.1, etc ; because backporting generally
requires some tweaks anyway (up to rewritting some part to use earlier APIs).

I'd be ok to leave them defined only once if they land in 2.0.x and are
then merged in 2.1, 2.2, dev ; because the cascading merged generally
requires a few or no tweaks at all.

+1 on discussing it on the list to ensure everybody is on the same page.

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