[ANN] bzr-grep 0.3.0-final released

Parth Malwankar parth.malwankar at gmail.com
Sun May 23 07:43:01 BST 2010


I am happy to announce bzr-grep[1] 0.3.0-final.

Changes since last release:

* Support for --color option (POSIX only). (#571694)

* Revisions in branches without trees can now be searched with
  -r option. (#584240)

* Trying to search working tree for a treeless branch no longer
  produes a stack trace but gives an error message sugging use of
  -r option. (#572658)

See the plugin guide[2] for details on installing bazaar plugins.

[1] https://launchpad.net/bzr-grep
[2] http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/plugin-installation.html

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