using mocking in [some!] tests

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Sat May 22 11:30:59 BST 2010

Robert Collins <robert.collins at> writes:

> Any thoughts on this, and/or on selection of a mocking tool? I'd say
> Gustavo's mocker, but last I heard he doesn't want it packaged, and I
> don't want to add a copy of $whatever to bzr.

My favourite is ‘python-minimock’, reflected in the fact that I'm the
Debian maintainer for that package, so take that as evidence of whatever
bias you think relevant :-)

For your purposes, it's very small and works entirely with the standard

Debian also has packages for a bunch of other promising Python libraries
for test doubles, ‘python-mock’ and ‘python-dingus’ being ones that look

 \      “My interest is in the future, as I am going to spend the rest |
  `\                          of my life there.” —Charles F. Kettering |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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