Bazaar plugin for Qt Creator IDE
Michael Gliwinski
Michael.Gliwinski at
Mon May 17 15:48:54 BST 2010
On Sunday 16 May 2010 15:10:33 Gary van der Merwe wrote:
> > is there any ability to make Bazaar available in Qt Creator (most popular
> > C++/Qt IDE) as a plugin?
> >
> > Currently Qt Creator supports SVN, CVS, Mercurial, Perforce and Git but
> > it's not supporting Bazaar so I've posted a feature request for
> > supporting Bzr`
> It would be really great to have this. There is no technical reason
> why this is not possible. It is just a matter of doing it. I'm not
> aware if any one is working on it at the moment. Fell free to step up.
> :-)
> We have some components to make this task easier:
> bzr-xmloutput: Allows you to query bzr for data in xml.
> (
> qbzr [2]: A bzr gui, written with pyqt. (
> If you decide to work on this, I'm sure that we would be able to
> provide you with plenty assistance.
BTW, what is the best way to use bzrlib from C++ program? Is it just bzr with
xmloutput as subprocess? No way to use the library directly?
Dolphin in KDE 4.4 also has support for VCS plugins, was wondering how could
we plug bzr in there when I found out :)
Michael Gliwinski
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