Bazaar dirstate locking

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Sun May 16 01:35:48 BST 2010

Ben Finney writes:
 > "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:
 > > Bazaar is a *distributed* VCS. It is a database designed for
 > > concurrent operation, with database operations conducted locally on
 > > ACID, then propagated as completed transactions to other nodes of the
 > > database. If you insist on operating on incomplete transactions across
 > > the net, you're going to pay for the privilege.
 > A wrinkle in this analogy is bound branches. As I understand it, a
 > modification on a bound branch causes the VCS data to be written to the
 > *remote* repository first, and only on success is the same write done
 > locally.
 > I don't know how that fits with the model you espouse above, or whether
 > you consider the local and remote branches to be separate nodes.

It doesn't fit with that model.  Fixing the model is hard, not as hard
as fixing the speed-of-light bug in interstellar travel, but hard

The exception is that especially privileged developers could be
allowed to have bound branches on the same LAN as the upstream branch.

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