Exchanging changes without a server

Dmitri Pissarenko dmitri.pissarenko at gmail.com
Wed May 12 22:29:52 BST 2010


Thanks for your answers!

> Is this during the initial setup phase? After having exchanged a
> few patches?

It happens after a few patches have been exchanged.

* * *

I think it would be much simpler, if it were possible NOT to keep
track of changes of all the external developers.

I. e. at the beginning of each iteration I send to the external
developers the ENTIRE history patch of my code base.

See activity diagram in file at


My questions are:

If I want

a) the gatekeeper send the external developers the entire history and
b) exchange code changes via e-mail attachments,

are then the commands given for each step in the diagram correct?

Thanks in advance


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