Merging code to PQM - update

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri May 7 08:09:01 BST 2010

>>>>> Gordon Tyler <gordon at> writes:

    > On 04/05/2010 9:19 AM, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
    >> On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 23:59 +1200, Robert Collins wrote:
    >>> I too found the number of mails annoying; however I think that it is
    >>> compensated for by the improved feedback - everyone, not just the
    >>> submitter-to-pqm, can see the status.
    >>> We can perhaps help the LP developers here by coming to some sort of
    >>> consensus about whether the queue changes *should* email, or should be
    >>> quiet. Or something.
    >> To clarify: I appreciate those emails about my own merge proposals. I
    >> don't care so much about those emails for other merge proposals, which I
    >> mainly read to see what other people are working on.

    > I am in a similar position. I'm interested in all email
    > notification for my merge proposals, but I'm only really
    > interested in the initial notification of other merge proposals
    > unless I find a particular proposal interesting. For these, I
    > would like to be able to subscribe to receiving further email
    > notifications for that particular proposal.

I'm not sure subscription will work well here, merge proposals are
supposed to be short-lived (cough). By the time you decide you're
interested in them they may have landed (sp?) already.

I think Robert proposed to add headers in these mails, *that* could
help people implement better filters.


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