Is mv preferable to delete/add from a space standpoint?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Fri May 7 07:34:23 BST 2010

Andrew Cowie writes:

 > I'm vaguely wondering if they might have been archived up with whatever
 > $magic makes things like zsync work (and thus maybe your delta
 > compression), because then they might be more amenable to the move vs
 > delete/add scenario. Not sure how to tell whether they are block aligned
 > or what have you.

Why not check a couple of sample versions into git and see if it
recognizes the moves/copies?  If it does, you've got something to aim
for, and if it doesn't, probably not.  git should be fairly good at
this since that's the only way git knows how to recognize
moves/copies.  (Use the find-copies-harder options, of course.)

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