Cannot commit via SFTP - file is locked?

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon May 3 03:28:55 BST 2010

On 3 May 2010 12:01, antelope123 <antelope123 at> wrote:
> I set up an SFTP server using WinSSHD (free version). My client is able to
> checkout/branch fine, but is not able to commit. Both client & server are
> using Windows7.
> This works fine:
>  c:\blah> bzr checkout sftp://userName@myIP:port/ProjectOne
> But this does not work:
>  c:\blah>bzr commit -m "checking in some edits"
> Error message:
>  Authentication (publickey) successful!
>  Secsh channel 1 opened
>  Committing to: sftp://userName@myIP:port/ProjectOne
>  modified test.txt
>  bzr: ERROR: the file could not be opened because it is locked by another
> process.
> I cannot think of why/how anything on the server side is locked? Even a
> reboot of the server does not 'free' things up - same error message.


This looks like an incompatibility between bzr and something running
on the server that is holding the file open.  Can you please file a
bug at and include the error traceback
from bzr.log, which will tell us which specific file it is?

It may be a conflict with WinSSHD but I have heard of people using
that successfully.  The other thing that tends to cause this type of
error is virus scanners locking files while bzr is trying to use them.
 Do you have one on this server?
Martin <>

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