Install Bazaar on a server

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Sat May 1 12:15:12 BST 2010

Seyed <lastbug at> writes:

> I was wondering if anybody knows how I can install Bazaar on my server.

Bazaar doesn't actually need a dedicated server:

    Bazaar does not require a specialised server because it operates
    over HTTP, FTP or SFTP. There is an optional smart server that can
    be invoked over SSH, from inetd, or in a dedicated mode.


If you want to run a Bazaar-specific server, though, it can make the
network operations more efficient by using a Bazaar-specific protocol.
What you want is called a “smart server”, and is documented at the above

 \        “The problem with television is that the people must sit and |
  `\    keep their eyes glued on a screen: the average American family |
_o__)                 hasn't time for it.” —_The New York Times_, 1939 |
Ben Finney

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