Integrating with Bazaar on Windows

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Apr 30 06:46:13 BST 2010

Martin (gzlist) пишет:
> On 29/04/2010, Adam Glauser <adamglauser at> wrote:
>> I've installed Bazaar 2.1.1 using the Windows .exe installer.  Python
>> can't find the bzrlib module when I do `from bzrlib import workingtree`.
>>   C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib is in the PYTHONPATH.
> If you have Python installed anyway, you're better off using the
> "Python 2.X based" installer rather than the standalone one, that way
> bzrlib goes in site-packages. Means installing the plugins you want
> separately, but is more flexible.
> Martin


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