Default for ListOption

Martin von Gagern Martin.vGagern at
Wed Apr 21 07:14:00 BST 2010

On 21.04.2010 02:45, Martin Pool wrote:
> You can't specify a default in the ListOption?

No, unfortunately not, the default has to be the empty list.

> I don't think that's a good idea; for things like aliases or shell
> scripting it seems a bit useful for --bar=- to mean "forget I ever
> mentioned bar".  So --no-bar is perhaps the easiest for users

OK, agreed.

> and shouldn't break the api.

Could still confront plugins expecting lists with something that is not
a list. Still, I'll try to write an implementation for this.

> Some other programs seem to handle this with --bar=none though that's
> a bit ugly with None vs 'none'.

It's also ugly in cases where the user can choose possible values, so
that "none" might well be a normal value.


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