Problem with repository

Scott Aubrey scottaubrey at
Mon Apr 19 14:13:29 BST 2010

HI Guys

I've just come across this problem and I'm crapping myself a little in anticipation of this being unfixable, but just today I've started getting a missing index file error on ANY commands I run on a remote repository.

examples (these are running on the remote machine):

> bzr branch /repo/grace ~/test

bzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/repo/.bzr/repository/indices/019ea24b5664a247498a7510ba0548c2.six': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/repo/.bzr/repository/indices/019ea24b5664a247498a7510ba0548c2.six'

>  bzr check 
Checking branch at 'file:///repo/bzr-cap/'.
<snip>..repeated for all branches...</snip>
No working tree found at specified location.
Checking repository at 'file:///repo/'.
bzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/repo/.bzr/repository/indices/019ea24b5664a247498a7510ba0548c2.rix': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/repo/.bzr/repository/indices/019ea24b5664a247498a7510ba0548c2.rix'

>  bzr pack
bzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/repo/.bzr/repository/indices/019ea24b5664a247498a7510ba0548c2.rix': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/repo/.bzr/repository/indices/019ea24b5664a247498a7510ba0548c2.rix'

I'm hoping someone will have some peals of wisdom in how to at least approach fixing it?

- Scott

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