bzr-colo and shelve

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Sat Apr 17 16:51:35 BST 2010

Stefan Monnier writes:
 > >> Funny.  I've just started to use colocated branches (not yet with
 > >> bzr-colo, tho) and noticed that in this context, I'd like shelves to
 > >> *be* branches (or at least I'd like a command to turn a shelve into
 > >> a branch).
 > > Doesn't the loom extension (and maybe pipeline, too) do exactly this?
 > I didn't know they change the way shelves work, so I can't answer,

AFAIK they don't change the way shelves work, I'm suggesting them as
an alternative to shelves which do what you described (along with a
lot more).

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