bzr-colo and shelve

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at
Fri Apr 16 01:24:10 BST 2010

On 2010-04-15 13:20 , Brian de Alwis wrote:
> I've just tried using bzr-colo to track changes to a CVS-based
> project.  I've committed all the files in a bzr branch except the CVS
> detritus.  The colo support is nice since some other tools I'm using
> for that project use the CVS detritus.c

Can you say more about the workflow that combines bzr-colo with CVS?
I'm not familiar enough with CVS (thank goodness) to know how it helps.
 I'm just curious about how bzr-colo in particular helps in that situation.

> I found that I had some testing code that I wanted to keep around but
> not actually commit to the branch. 'bzr shelve' came in handy for
> stashing that away.  But I think it would work even better if the
> shelf could be associated with the colo branch rather than the
> checkout.  I'm instead embedding the colo branch name in the shelf
> message.

That's an interesting idea, particularly because I tend to like the fact
that shelve goes with the working tree rather than the branch so that it
can be used to transfer work from branch to branch.  Sometimes I start
making changes in the trunk branch and then I decide that I want to put
those changes off into a separate branch and I will ``bzr shelve``, then
``bzr colo-branch separate_branch`` and then ``bzr unshelve``.  But per
your message, I can also see the usefulness for shelves connected to

This isn't really a bzr-colo issue, since it is relevant to any
lightweight checkout-based workflow.  You can file a "wishlist" bug on
Bazaar to track this idea.


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