LP teams for bazaar [again]

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Apr 16 00:02:53 BST 2010

So, I've done a short spike to allow the removal of bzr-pqm-submit,
based on Martin's Hydrazine work.

Launchpad has a nascent 'queue' concept for branches, which allows us to
get rid of the email interface and have PQM talk to launchpad, which
gives us better diagnostics (anyone can see the issue on the merge
proposal), and less configuration issues (don't need to have working
email in both directions).

Queues are very much unfinished, but they are dogfoodable; and bugs we
file will help the Launchpad-code folk finish development as time

However, we have rather different 'committer' groups setup for PQM
today, and the 'review team' that launchpad uses for queues.

Specifically, PQM has a manual list of about 15 people, and Launchpad
has 33 people (the 'review team' for bzr.dev - currently set to

Now, remember that bzr-core is not 'the core team', it is 'folk not
interested in /bazaar, just /bzr'.

So bzr-core has 7 people and 'bzr' as members, bzr has 28 folk (with
some overlap). 

We need a team that represents 'commit access to trunk'; this could be
bzr-core, with a couple of caveats:
 - we'll want to audit the current members of ~bzr, it used to be an
   open team
 - we'll want to ask ourselves if there are any things in lp that 
   you need to be a member of ~bzr or ~bzr-core to do, which we want to
   grant to non-committers. The new bzr-qa team has helped here already.

I think using 'bzr-core' is appropriate.

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