Bzr externals for bzr and bzr-svn

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Mon Apr 12 14:00:12 BST 2010

On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 13:31 +0100, Tom Widmer wrote:
> Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> > Hi Patrick,
> > 
> > On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 13:20 +1200, Patrick van der Velde wrote:
> >> I've been experimenting with bzr at work. Creating a bzr 'working
> >> directory' from our SVN repository is very simple and super quick!
> >> However I haven't been able to make the svn-externals directories show
> >> up in the bzr 'working directory'.
> >>
> >> I've installed bzr-externals (v1.3) but for some reason bzr-svn
> >> doesn't import the externals directories from the svn repository. Is
> >> there a way to make bzr-svn get the externals?
> > There is nothing in Bazaar that bzr-svn could map externals to. Nested
> > trees have been discussed, but it doesn't look like they will land any
> > time soon and unfortunately this also means that svn externals won't be
> > supported in bzr-svn any time soon.
> As a short-medium term solution, would it be possible to use the 
> bzr-externals plugin? Presumably you'd just have to populate the 
> relevant .bzrmeta/ files during import, but perhaps this would cause 
> backwards and forwards compatibility issues (and obviously you could 
> only round-trip bzr externals that reference svn branches).
That's not really an option - it would require changing the mapping
format, and this affects all existing bzr-svn users. I don't want to do
that for something that's only temporary. Furthermore, there are
alternatives to bzr-externals and why would we pick bzr-externals rather
than e.g. config-manager or scmproj?


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