Bzr externals for bzr and bzr-svn

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Mon Apr 12 09:57:47 BST 2010

Patrick van der Velde пишет:
> I've been experimenting with bzr at work. Creating a bzr 'working
> directory' from our SVN repository is very simple and super quick!
> However I haven't been able to make the svn-externals directories show
> up in the bzr 'working directory'.
> I've installed bzr-externals (v1.3) but for some reason bzr-svn
> doesn't import the externals directories from the svn repository. Is
> there a way to make bzr-svn get the externals?

bzr-externals plugin is not related to bzr-svn nor to svn:externals 
support at all. It is just a plugin which tried to implement an idea 
*similar* to svn:externals, no more.

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