SVN Update Problem

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Apr 12 06:14:17 BST 2010

On 10 April 2010 02:28, Michael Childs <michael.childs at> wrote:
> First, thanks to everyone for their work on Bazaar. It’s an awesome piece of
> software that I’ve loved from the start. So now, I found a problem with
> updating from SVN. When I bind to SVN to update, sometimes I’ll forget to
> close a Word document or something that is locked in the Bazaar directory.
> When I use ‘bzr update’, Bazaar reports an error and all files that I worked
> on are reverted to the SVN version. In effect, I lose all my work. I haven’t
> been able to find anything about this problem…

Hi Michael, I'm glad you're liking it

Windows has pretty strict file locking so if Word has a file locked we
can't normally update it (and even if we could, it might be a bad
idea.)  However, we should at least try to handle it decently.  Could
you please file a bug on including the
text of the actual error you get.

Martin <>

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