Loggerhead reviews + broad plan

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Mon Apr 12 00:35:24 BST 2010

On 09/04/10 11:58, Max Kanat-Alexander wrote:

> 	Is the Chamelon port going to be a significant amount of effort (will
> the templates themselves have to change extensively), or is it just a
> swap-out?

Hi Max,

My understanding is that it's basically a swap, give or take some minor 
changes. See
https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~hazmat/loggerhead/speed-rules for 
Kapil's changes that I'll be reviewing.

> 	I'm asking because ultimately, it seems like the only way that
> loggerhead is going to operate at Launchpad scale would be to scale
> horizontally (across machines). That is, I don't know that it matters so
> much that we spend a lot of programmer time on making it fast on one
> machine, when we could instead be buying cheap hardware if we had
> horizontal scaling.

Both would be good. :-)

Can you elaborate on your thoughts wrt horizontal scaling?

> 	Also, what's the caching change that John is working on? mwhudson and I
> have had some pretty extensive discussions about the revision graph
> cache, so it's possible we could be helpful there. (Although maybe
> mwhudson has already done all this, and I just have no idea. :-) )

It's a separate plugin. See 

Ian C.

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