Ending a (Feature) Branch

Eric Berry elberry at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 06:15:05 BST 2010

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 9:32 PM, Brendan Simon (eTRIX) <
brendan.simon at etrix.com.au> wrote:

>  I was thinking of standalone versus shared, but maybe I am confused about
> branches and repositories ??

I apologize if I'm not correct in this. I'm not an expert, just a happy user
of Bazaar. From my understanding, a standalone branch is sort of like a
repository in that it contains all the history of that branch and any other
branches that have been merged into it (not considering rebasing). There is
a Bazaar repository which keep track of common history between branches -
very useful when have a lot of separate lines of development, and want to
save some space.

> Does it make sense to create a feature branch as a shared branch ??  I'm
> guessing not.

Sure, why not? Whatever makes sense for you and your fellow developers.
Where I work, we have "official" branches for each team, and I create
separate feature branches (available on a central repo) when I feel there's
going to be a lot of work that can be done independently. Others contribute
to those feature branches when they can or want to.

> If it was a shared branch, and everything is merged into the parent branch,
> then blowing away the entire shared branch would be fine too, right ??

Should be, as long as you let anyone who's bound to that shared branch know
to switch back to the parent branch.

> I also noticed that branches can be stacked.  I haven't used a stacked
> branch so I don't know how they really work, except that they depend on the
> availability of the source branch (must be local ?? or can be remote ??).
> My guess is blowing away a stacked branch would not affect the parent branch
> so it has the same affect as a non-stacked branch.

I've never used stacked branches before, so I'm not sure how best to use

> So the rule is just delete your local branches when not needed any more --
> must merge to parent branch if the changes are to be kept.

I'm not sure if it's a "rule", but that's what I do with them once I'm done
working on the features and I've merged them back into the main line.

> The only exception seems to be if a feature branch is created in a shared
> repo, and commits are made, and then the branch removed.  The result the
> feature branch is still in the history of the shared repo.

Again, I'm not an expert, but I don't think that's how it works. From my
understanding, the repo only keeps the common history (I'm sure it does a
lot more than just that though), all commits made only to that branch should
exist only in that branch.

> So is there a 'bzr rmdir' or 'bzr branch --delete' command that would do
> the 'right thing' ... if the repository is shared or not ??

'bzr rm' will remove directories and files from version control. If the
branch is a lightweight checkout, there's a 'bzr zap' command provided by
the bzrtools plugin which removes it, but I'm not sure how it's different
than just deleting the branch directory.

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