a simple batch action

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 22:42:11 BST 2010

On 4 April 2010 23:20, }--o <viktor.nagy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to run some simple merge-related actions in a batch, but my
> code fails after 'Update done'
> I've put my code at http://python.pastebin.com/NVKafssT
> could someone have a look, and give me a hand please!

builtins.cmd_merge() and other commands assumes certain
initializations done to them when being called from the commandline
(eg. in run_argv_aliases there is self._setup_outf() ).
Thus just calling the run method directly does not always work.

I think you can run the commands with something like
commands.run_bzr(['merge', '-d', trunk, user])

or use the lower level api's directly (but isn't practical, because
too much logic is in the command in stead of lower level apis)

> Happy easter, pesach, etc to everyone. :)
thanks you too :-)

<>< Marius ><>

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