bzr 2.2b1 source frozen

Martin Pool mbp at
Sat Apr 3 02:34:59 BST 2010

On 2 April 2010 18:15, Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at> wrote:
>>>>>> Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:
>    > On 1 April 2010 13:26, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
>    >> The bzr 2.2b1 source is now available from
>    >> and in the process of merging
>    >> into trunk.  Sorry for the delay.  Please package and test it.
>    > The merge back to trunk failed because, I think, of a python2.4 issue.
>    >  It's currently in ~mbp/bzr/integration; I'll try to fix that and
>    > resubmit it, probably tomorrow.
>    > Also there seems to be a separate 2.2 branch on Launchpad now.  Do we
>    > really want that already?
> What is the question about ? Having a 2.2 branch, a 2.2b1 branch or both ?

The question really is: what is the relation of the 2.2 branch to trunk?

I think the answer is, taking John's comment into account, that when
we do a beta release we will merge all of trunk across to 2.2 and do
the release from there.  Then it will be stable for any last minute
changes.  After 2.2.0rc1 we will stop merging from trunk and take only
2.2-targeted fixes.

> I definitely want a 2.2 branch myself as that's how I work locally, but
> that's also where we will target the merge proposals.
> AIUI, John also prefer having a specific branch for the release. This
> sounds like a good idea anyway if only to ensure the release branch has
> been validated by pqm.

If the changes for urlutils mean 2.2b1 is broken under python2.4
(because of my laxness in putting it through pqm in parallel with make
dist) then we might need to either just live with that, or do 2.2b2
sooner than expected.

Martin <>

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