Loggerhead directions

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Thu Apr 1 09:43:40 BST 2010

On 01/04/10 18:31, Roland Mas wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy, 2010-03-31 10:26:45 +1000 :

>> Thoughts?
>    Not about the proposed changes, but I'd like to add a suggestion.
> Wearing my FusionForge hat, I'd be interested in having Loggerhead easy
> to integrate into web applications.  FusionForge currently embeds
> Loggerhead in an iframe, which has its fair share of drawbacks but I
> didn't find a better way yet.  Maybe having a different set of templates
> (maybe with XML output) would be enough: FusionForge could then call
> Loggerhead, reformat its output and embed it into its own display
> machinery.  That would probably mean being extra careful with URLs and
> AJAX stuff…

Hi Roland,

Being easy to embed makes a lot of sense. Could you please record the 
above request in a bug and mark it as "wishlist" please? We can then 
track whatever we do to assist this as comments and states on that bug.

Ian C.

PS: Thanks for supporting bzr in FusionForge.

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