Loggerhead directions

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Mar 31 09:19:44 BST 2010

Ian Clatworthy пишет:
> Hi all,
> After I wrap up improving the Windows installer build process, I'm 
> hoping to get more involved in Loggerhead development and maintenance. 
> I'm sending out this email now though because I want to raise some 
> topics for debate/discussion.
> At this point, I expect my immediate priorities to be "make it faster 
> and get it easier to deploy", i.e.:
> 1. Help review and land the dozen or so proposed branches.
> 2. Improve packaging so that Loggerhead becomes a standard part of our
>    Windows (and OS X hopefully) installer.

To ensure Loggerhead could be packaged to bzr.exe Windows installer 
(which uses py2exe under the hood) one *should* remove *all* setuptools 
or pkg_resource dependencies. Because py2exe'd bzr.exe can't use neither 
eggs nor pkg_resource.

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