[REGRESSION] bzr 2.1 @ windows: bzr eats double backslashes in the command line

Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Mon Mar 29 14:43:19 BST 2010

On 29/03/2010 3:47 AM, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> The bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/528944 is very serious
> regression and I've supposed it will be fixed in 2.1. Apparently it's
> not. There is one more bug report about this problem.
> Gordon, what are your plans on the backport of the fix?

I believe the plan was to wait and see if any problems cropped up in
bzr.dev with my new cmdline parser implementation. I haven't heard of
anything yet. I guess we'll have to try get this into bzr 2.1.2?


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