[Bzr-explorer-dev] Translations permissions changed for Bazaar Explorer and QBzr

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Mar 22 11:52:27 GMT 2010

Algis Kabaila пишет:
> On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 09:51:26 pm Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Hi all translators of Bazaar Explorer and QBzr,
>> Based on the advice of David Planella (Ubuntu Translations Coordinator)
>> I've changed the translations permission fromn Open (when everyone can
>> do translations) to Restricted and have assigned Launchpad Translators
>> group as the main translators for those projects.
>> This means that everybody still can help us translating those projects
>> but now your translations will be used as suggestions rather than final
>> result. We're hope such change will help us improve the quality of
>> translations.
>> If you interested to be the part of Launchpad Translators group, please
>> take a look at their pages and join the corresponding team.
>> https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators

> As you will recall, I have been translator of Explorer to Lithuanian.  I would 
> not be happy with an unwarranted exclusion from Explorer translators.  There 
> is a group of translators of Ubuntu translations, a group which is very 
> active, mostly competent and very busy... I do belong to the group, but as 
> they are not in the translators of Launchpad, it still pushes me out of 
> Explorer translation and thus development.
> I am not very happy with that effect...
> OldAl.

Hi Algis,

I've just changed the permissions to Structured which now means:

if there is dedicated language group exists the memebrs of this group 
can translate, but if there is no dedicated group then everybody can do 
translations without restrictions.

There is no dedicated Lithuanian group. So that means you still able to 
translate everything without restrictions.

Can you check this and say me if it's OK for you?


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