Advice on installing bzr-svn on Debian Stable

Matt Doran matt.doran at
Mon Mar 22 07:20:38 GMT 2010

John Szakmeister wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Gordon Tyler <gordon at> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 3/21/2010 3:03 AM, Matt Doran wrote:
>>> I tried installing the plugin into ~/.bazaar/plugins, but it has a
>>> dependency on subvertpy.    I tried doing a manual install of subvertpy,
>>> but when trying to build this I get errors like: "Exception: apr-config
>>> not found. Please set APR_CONFIG environment variable".   I think I'm
>>> starting to get out of my depth here. :(
>> APR is the Apache Portable Runtime. It's in Debian as libapr1 and you'll
>> need libapr1-dev as well for compiling against it. I don't know if it's
>> a sufficiently recent version.
> It's not.  You also need the Subversion dev package too (sorry, I
> don't know the actual name).
Thanks for you help.  Yup, looks like you need libsvn-dev too.   

In my case I'm running the backports version of subversion (to fix an 
issue we were seeing with svn 1.5).  This means I need to install 
libsvn-dev from backports and it wants to install/upgrade half a dozen 
other things .... I'm not sure I want to go there.   I might need to do 
the build on a non-production server somewhere.  

<sigh> ... oh well  ... the joys of running Debian stable. :(
>> Are you using "python install" to install subvertpy?
I was trying to do the build running "make".  The errors were a little 
cryptic and didn't give much indication of what else was required.

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