bzr shell - extra output when interacting with checkouts

Benjamin Jansen aogail at
Fri Mar 19 17:32:28 GMT 2010


A little while ago, maybe around the time I updated to 2.0 or 2.1 (but I could be completely wrong), I noticed a lot of extra output when using "bzr shell" in a checkout. For every command I execute, even non-bzr commands, I see a bunch of network traffic output. It's hard to capture, since the output is partially overwritten by the output of the bzr command I actually ran, or the "bzr shell" prompt, but these are examples of the end result:

# cd into a checkout... see a bunch of messages before prompt comes back (with garbled last message)
bzr work2:1641/> cd ../ 
bzr scap-merge:1642/> stning post_commit hooks - Stage 5/5                                                        
                      ^^^ leftovers

# execute a non-bzr command
bzr scap-merge:1642/> df > /dev/null
bzr scap-merge:1642/>  Fetching revisions:Finishing stream                                                        
                       ^^^ leftovers

When I execute bzr commands outside of "bzr shell", I see none of that extra output.

I've checked ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf for debug flags or something I might have set and forgotten, but it has nothing of that sort. It happens in lightweight and heavyweight checkouts, but not branches.

Does anyone know why I'm seeing this? It's only an annoyance, but an annoyance none the less. ;)

Ben Jansen

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