zero New bugs!

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Mar 17 04:03:36 GMT 2010

I am pleased to say that as of this moment there are zero status=New
bugs in Bazaar <>.
 A few weeks ago there were a couple of hundred, almost all of which
had been read by a developer, but which deserved to be cleaned up,
categorized, or closed.

This is more than just paper shuffling because in the course of
getting there we've marked some of them as dupes (which helps
determine priority or triangulation), marked some as already fixed,
and suggested workarounds for others.  Those that are still open have
a rough importance and have a better title, and there is enough data
there to make it possible to fix them.

In case you're wondering we currently have 1800 reported bugs open, of
which 87 are marked in-progress.  I suspect some of the inprogress
ones are either actually done and should be updated, or stalled and
should be prodded forward.  There are 33 with patches attached that
ought to be finished off, and 113 marked easy
<> which
anyone ought to be able to do in an afternoon.

Martin <>

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