Excessive network traffic for pulling a small change

Stefan Monnier monnier at iro.umontreal.ca
Wed Mar 17 03:34:58 GMT 2010

>> > Although by contrast, doing the corresponding pull is a lot smaller via
>> > a smart protocol, and then doing the log is free.
>> > bzr -Dbytes -Dfetch pull -r 2251 \
>> >    bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/grub/grub2-bzr
>> > Transferred: 286KiB (53.8K/s r:282K w:4K)
>> 286KB is still hard to justify for such a small change.
> Is this a problem for you, or is it just that you were surprised?

In this particular case indeed it's more a surprise than a problem.
But I'm always struck by the difference between the amount of data
transferred by Git compared to the amount transferred by Bzr.
That average use is borderline problematic (I tend to setup local
mirrors to try and make up for it).


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