bazaar 'tagline' on home page

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Mar 15 01:28:08 GMT 2010

On 14 March 2010 03:54, Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho at> wrote:
> On 13/03/2010 14:25, Parth Malwankar wrote:
>> I was wondering some for time what tagline represents
>> bzr best and didn't really see anything on the web page.
>> I like bzr a lot but couldn't really put my finger on it.
>> git page says 'the fast version control system', hg says
>> 'work easier, work faster', but bzr home page doesn't say
>> anything.
>> But then I found that the bzr docs page[1] says
>> 'The Adaptive Version Control System' which I feel
>> represents bzr very well (thanks to whoever came up
>> with that). Considering that bzr supports a large set of
>> transports, views, stacking, different workflows etc. it may
>> be good to put that on the bzr home page as IMHO it
>> captures bzr well.
> Bazaar Explorer shows a tagline in its About Box, which I think I have seen
> elsewhere as well: "Version Control for Human Beings"

It is something we value, but that sounds too similar to Ubuntu's
(old?) motto, and Ubuntu aspires to be usable to all humans in a way
that an inherently technical tool like a vcs perhaps does not.

> I like the "Adaptive Version Control System" as well, as you said it
> captures well the spirit of the software.

I like that description too, but perhaps it's a bit unobvious what it means.

Martin <>

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