Excessive network traffic - How to reproduce

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Mar 13 14:56:56 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> [...]
>> Sure enough, a quick hack that partly implements this policy brings the overall
>> transfer down to 1798kB (46.5kB/s r:1773kB w:25kB).  This just optimising
>> subsequent lookups within the same index type (i.e. multiple rix lookups).  I
>> think we can do much better again by sharing that information between indicies
>> (for optimising e.g. rix lookups followed by iix lookups).
>> The code is at <lp:~spiv/bzr/smarter-index-search>.
> Update: by sharing ordering hints across index types I now get this result:
> 1034kB (50.1kB/s r:1022kB w:12kB)
> Which is greatly improved from my starting point of 2424kB (50.2kB/s r:2395kB
> w:30kB).  In terms of wall clock time that halves the time for me.
> The code is a little hackish, but actually not too bad.  It seems to pass tests,
> I'll polish it and put it up for review for merging soon.
> So now the majority of the transfer is fetching data from packs.  As stated
> before I'm a bit surprised that so much needs to be transferred, but that may
> just be the natural result of fetching entire compression blocks for the client
> to decompress just to parts it is interested in.
> -Andrew.

I fixed this in Packer. It regressed in the StreamSource based code. I
believe because the layering was no longer clear how to do it, I didn't
get it restored, and because we were pushing to spend more time making
the smart server faster, and less time tweaking dumb fetches. (So it at
least got lower priority.)


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