reverse cherry picking + merge docs

David Muir davidkmuir at
Fri Mar 12 03:02:04 GMT 2010

Ewan Milne wrote:
> Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
>>> On another note, what should the submit branch be for the upstream branch?
>>> Should it be itself?
>>> ie. I have:
>>> trunk -> :submit = first feature branch I merged in
>>> staging -> :submit = trunk
>>> production -> :submit = staging
>> I don't think it should be set there.
>> Perhaps it would be easier to understand this stuff if we just changed
>> to calling them "default merge source", "default push destination",
>> etc?
> I have also wondered about this. Are you recommending that for a trunk
> branch, parent_location and submit_branch should be removed from
> branch.conf? Hope so, as this is what I've tended to do.
> However, if I have only a parent_location set on a branch, and no
> submit_branch, then Bazaar Explorer reports that the "Branch is fully
> merged into its submit branch". Which _is_ confusing for a branch with
> no configured submit branch.

According to the docs:

If there is no default branch set, the first merge will set it.

So if you remove the submit_branch setting, will it get set to the next 
branch you merge in? Or does it only do that the first time you merge?


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