reverse cherry picking + merge docs

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Mar 11 12:00:15 GMT 2010

>>>>> David Muir <davidkmuir at> writes:

    > Ben Finney wrote:
    >> David Muir <davidkmuir at> writes:
    >>> Since (from my experience) reverse cherry picking is usually done
    >>> within the current branch, shouldn't merge run off of :this instead of
    >>> :submit?
    >> I don't think that would be any less confusing; the default branch
    >> shouldn't differ depending on how I'm specifying revisions.
    > Yeah, I don't really like idea either, it's just that I can't
    > think of a case where I would reverse cherry pick from a
    > different branch.

One case is when specifying the revisions is easier to achieve
when referring to :submit. They are more likely to be on the
mainline instead of dotted revnos in the current branch.


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