Thank you, Bazaar designers, for first-class rename operation

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Mar 10 07:45:27 GMT 2010

Ben Finney wrote:

> I pointed him to the website, and asked him to look for beginner
> documentation and use it to get started. He quickly followed links and
> eventually found the documentation for version 1.18, and once there dove
> unhesitatingly for the “Bazaar in five minutes” document. It's *great*
> to have that document so visible, and it is consistently popular with
> people I've seen who are fresh to Bazaar. It needs to be excellent;
> let's see how it stands up in this case.


Thanks for the feedback. And a big thank-you to Emma for putting
together the "Bazaar in Five Minutes" tutorial.

Ian C.

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