Website templating & automatic generation

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Tue Mar 9 23:23:40 GMT 2010

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> I've made a few changes to the website today to take advantage of the
>> templating engine (jinja2) now driving its generation:
> Any particular reason to use 'jinja2' rather than, say 'simpletal' which
> is used by loggerhead? I'd like to keep the permutations of
> tools-to-learn to a minimum if we can help it.

Agreed. jinja2 is the templating engine used by Sphinx. So:

* knowing it helps anyone working on our documentation, e.g.
  understanding the files under doc/en/_templates in our tree

* it's already installed to build the docs.

Ian C.

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