bzr-plugin-info [suggest plugins at runtime]

Gordon Tyler gordon at
Mon Mar 8 13:48:48 GMT 2010

On 2010-03-08, at 12:25 AM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:

> On 5 March 2010 19:57, Michael Gliwinski
> <Michael.Gliwinski at> wrote:
>> Would that have to do the scanning and building the db on each  
>> client (i.e.
>> each user who installed the plugin), or would it have some central  
>> directory
>> component (e.g. sth like pypi)?
> I think we would ship the database, probably in the form of a Python
> source file that declares a series of dicts.  The plugin (or a
> separate plugin) could contain the code to regenerate this, given a
> list of plugins.  Obviously it should be  careful to be fast.

Why not load the database from a server? That way plugin authors can  
publish and update plugins after the bzr release.

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