Fixing rebase rather than avoiding it

Óscar Fuentes ofv at
Fri Mar 5 14:40:07 GMT 2010

Teemu Likonen <tlikonen at> writes:

> * 2010-03-05 13:08 (+0900), Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> Eg, in git, running bisect only on the left-hand ancestry in general
>> might best be done by creating a temporary branch with git
>> filter-branch. (This operation is generic and easily automated.)
> I'd just test if the current commit is in the first-parent line. So the
> first lines of "git bisect run" script:
>     #!/bin/sh
>     git rev-list --first-parent master | \
>         fgrep --quiet $(git rev-list -1 HEAD) || exit 125
> Now we bisect only the first-parent line.

AFAIK, in git "merge & push" from a feature branch to master is as valid
as "merge" on master from the feature branch, so it is expected to see
twisted DAGs where the distinction of left and right parts of the DAG
makes little sense. Bazaar has a switch that forbids such DAG twisting.

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