Add files before commit

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Fri Mar 5 09:54:51 GMT 2010

On 04/03/2010 21:56, Dmitri Pissarenko wrote:
> Whenever I make a commit (via command line or TortoiseBzr), Bazaar
> should add unversioned files (put under version control).

You are probably already aware of the --strict flag, but I mention it for the record, it 
aborts commit if there are unversioned, non-ignored files. You can make an alias so commit 
always include this flag.

In my personal workflow, I would avoid doing that, since I might accidentally add and 
commit files I forgot to ignore (or delete!).
But well, should I have to do that, not knowing Python coding, I would just do a script 
file doing bzr add before bzr ci.

Just throwing ideas before somebody knowledgeable chimes in... :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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