Can lp-open open usual lp branch, not the edge one?

Jonathan Lange jml at
Fri Mar 5 09:11:13 GMT 2010

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Andrew Bennetts
<andrew.bennetts at> wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Is it possible to teach lp-open command to open just
>> instead of
> This appears to be due to this code in
> bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/
>    # We use edge as the default because:
>    # Beta users get redirected to it
>    # All users can use it
>    # There is a bug in the launchpad side where redirection causes an OOPS.
>    DEFAULT_INSTANCE = 'edge'
> But there's no bug number, so I'm not sure if that bug is still current concern
> :(
> Jono, do you know?

It's a standard library thing, so yeah, it's still current. I don't
know the bug number, sorry.


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