Merging Branches with Binaries

A. S. Budden abudden at
Thu Mar 4 16:12:50 GMT 2010

On 4 March 2010 15:12, Neil Martinsen-Burrell <nmb at> wrote:
> On 2010-03-04 01:52 , A. S. Budden wrote:
>> On 19 February 2010 19:12, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> With bzr 2.1.0+ you can create a per-file merge plugin, that checks for
>>> any file ending in .axf and just always selects OTHER.
>> This works like a charm, thanks for the suggestion.
> If the code is short enough, would you be willing to post it to the list
> (or a blog if you're into that sort of thing) so others can see how this
> might be done?

I don't think there's anything too sensitive in there, so here it is
(spread across two files, and  Feel free
to comment on it if you think there is room for improvement!  Oh, and
apologies if any of the lines get broken.


======= ========

from bzrlib.merge import Merger

"""Merge hook for axf and build number files.


from bzrlib.lazy_import import lazy_import
lazy_import(globals(), """
        from bzrlib.plugins.custom_merge import custom_merge as

def custom_merge_hook(merger):
    """Merger.merge_file_content hook for axf and Build number files."""
    return _mod_custom_merge.CustomMerger(merger)

def install_hook():
        'merge_file_content', custom_merge_hook, 'AXF and Build Number
file merge')

======= ========
"""Merge logic for custom_merge plugin."""

from bzrlib import merge, merge3

import sys
import os

class CustomMerger(merge.AbstractPerFileMerger):
    def merge_contents(self, merge_params):
        # First, check whether this custom merge logic should be used.  We
        # expect most files should not be merged by this handler.
        if (
            # OTHER is a straight winner, rely on default merge.
            merge_params.winner == 'other' or
            # THIS and OTHER aren't both files.
            not merge_params.is_file_merge()):
            return 'not_applicable', None

        filename = self.merger.this_tree.id2path(merge_params.file_id)

        def GetNewBuildNumber(base_num, this_num, other_num):
            new_num = base_num + (this_num - base_num) + (other_num - base_num)
            return ("%d" % new_num)

        basename = os.path.basename(filename)
        if basename.endswith('.axf'):
            # AXF File
            return ('success', merge_params.other_lines)
        elif basename == 'Build.txt':
            # Build number (simple format): check contents are reasonable
            if len(merge_params.other_lines) \
                    == len(merge_params.this_lines) \
                    == len(merge_params.base_lines) \
                    == 1:
                # This might be correct, check that both are just numbers
                if merge_params.this_lines[0].strip().isdigit() \
                        and merge_params.other_lines[0].strip().isdigit() \
                        and merge_params.base_lines[0].strip().isdigit():
                    # This sounds reasonable
                    this_num = int(merge_params.this_lines[0].strip())
                    other_num = int(merge_params.other_lines[0].strip())
                    base_num = int(merge_params.base_lines[0].strip())
                    if (this_num >= base_num) and (other_num >= base_num):
                        new_lines = GetNewBuildNumber(base_num,
this_num, other_num) + "\n"
                    return ('success', new_lines)
        elif basename == 'BuildNumber.h':
            # Build number (complex format): check contents are reasonable
            if len(merge_params.other_lines) == len(merge_params.this_lines):
                # Must be the same length
                # Check that the lines only vary by an embedded number
                import re
                # This is the format definition for the acceptable
differing lines
                BuildNumberRE =
                # Build a new set of lines
                new_lines = []
                for index in range(len(merge_params.this_lines)):
                    if merge_params.this_lines[index] \
                            == merge_params.other_lines[index] \
                            == merge_params.base_lines[index]:
                        # If the lines match, that's fine:
                        # Otherwise, check whether they match the
regular expression
                        m_this =
                        m_other =
                        m_base =
                        if m_this is None or m_other is None or m_base is None:
                            # No match, not relevant
                            return ('not_applicable', None)
                        if ('start') !='start')) \
                                or ('start') !='start')) \
                                or ('start') !='start')):
                            # Start string is different, don't risk it
                            return ('not_applicable', None)
                        if ('end') !='end')) \
                                or ('end') !='end')) \
                                or ('end') !='end')):
                            # End string is different, don't risk it
                            return ('not_applicable', None)

                        # Retrieve the numbers
                        this_num = int('number'))
                        other_num = int('number'))
                        base_num = int('number'))
                        # Make a new line using the combined build count
                        new_lines.append('start') \
                                + GetNewBuildNumber(base_num,
this_num, other_num) \
                return ('success', new_lines)
            return ('not_applicable', None)

        return ('not_applicable', None)

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