plugins vs builtins

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Mar 3 09:43:19 GMT 2010

On 3 March 2010 18:29, Parth Malwankar <parth.malwankar at> wrote:

> One difference between plugin-vs-builtin comes to mind is that in case
> of a builtin, the builtin is always maintained and enhanced by the
> bzr experts. It may so happen that a plugin may be abandoned over time
> by the original author. There should probably be a way for users to
> differentiate between plugins and "blessed" plugins. The user should
> be able to be sure that its being maintained and its quality is blessed
> and won't do anything funny due to subtle bugs.

Right, we should probably mark this in the upcoming fusion of the
plugins guide and bzr-plugin-info.  Such plugins should be especially
safe to install; typically we should be running them in babune, they
should have some tests, they should be accepting patches, etc.

Martin <>

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