Pushing after merge considered harmful

Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Mon Mar 1 18:49:23 GMT 2010

On 01/03/2010 12:44 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>>> Traditional, centralized version control systems, such as CVS or SVN,
>>> do not have integral support for branching and merging.
>> This is confusing. Someone may think that cvs and svn does not support
>> branching and merging, which is not correct. Since some time ago, svn
>> even tracks merges.
> I should probably drop SVN, since I don't know enough about it.  As
> for CVS, it does not support merges in its history records; again,
> please keep in mind that this document is only about history
> representation.  I will try to find a clearer wording, but it's not
> easy, because I'd need to base that on the history representation
> which was not introduced yet at this point in the document.

Perhaps you could phrase it as CVS does not *remember* merges. You can
merge a branch into another branch, but it won't remember that you've
done that and if you try to do it again the naive way, you'll get a lot
of conflicts as it tries to merge the same changes plus whatever new
changes are in the source branch.


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