[ANN] Bazaar Explorer 1.0.0 released

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Sun Feb 28 00:33:29 GMT 2010

On behalf of the Bazaar Explorer Developers, I'm pleased to announce
"Marco Polo", our 1.0.0 release. Bazaar Explorer is a desktop
application for using the Bazaar version control system, a modern VCS
that supports both centralized and distributed version control. Our
1.0.0 release runs on GNU/Linux (both GNOME and KDE), Windows and OS X
desktops and is available in English, French, Japanese, Lithuanian,
Russian and Spanish. Translations for another 20 languages are currently
in progress.

Source code and release notes are available here:
https://launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/1.0/1.0.0. A windows installer will
be made available shortly. For details on What's New since our last
major release (0.8), see

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the many, many people who
have contributed source code, bug reports, documentation, translations
and inspiration to this release. Please keep those ideas coming and add
your thoughts to our roadmap,

Ian C.

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